Love ... real love ... has a huge price. Freedom ... losing of freedom. romanian author Adrian Dumitru

Love ... real love ... has a huge price. Freedom ... losing of freedom. romanian author Adrian Dumitru

Blog Article






Everyone wants to be happy.

And for that ... we imagine that being into a certain type of relationship .... we will be happy.

And .... when i am saying that ... i have in mind ... that scenario of a hollywoodian love story.

Yes ... many dreams about it.

I dreamed about it too.

Many times.

... even if i am married.

But ... the funny thing is... many of the people which I discuss about love ... love stories ... and the dynamic of all is going on after starting the relationship for real ... complain that they feel ... imprisoned.

... even enslaved.

And ... that absence of freedom .... which they used to have before the relationship ... just drive them crazy.

Both men ... and women ... are annoyed.

They ... can't flirt anymore.

... and they used to adore it.


They can't chat anymore... or speak with anyone they wanted .... including ex partners.

They ... can't connect anymore with anyone their souls ... want.

Or ... i can even say ... that for some it is even a tragedy that they can't have anymore ... intimate relationships ... with anyone they want ... when they want.

... as they used to do it into the past.

More people ... i talk with ... more i become aware that they don't like the fact that the relationship... even if it is a beautiful one ... limit their freedom.

In fact ... they hate it.

All becomes ... a weird emotional balance .... inducing the sensation of being imprisoned.

But ... the question is why?!

Why ... can't we pay the price?!

Why we hate we can't flirt anymore ... if we already love someone?!

Why we hate we can't chat anymore with anyone we want?!

Why we hate ... we can't open anymore our sexuality to anyone we want?!

Well ... most certainly ... that story is not for real ... a love story.

It is just ... a story.

A story ... like any other story we've used to have.

... just a relationship.

Nothing special.

Nothing ... which would deserve... to waste our ... freedom.

That freedom of doing absolutely all we want ... when we


want ... with anyone we might want.

Later on ... all is revealed.

The partner starts to become aware that we adore connecting to many other souls.

Actually is realising ... and we confirm it ... that we feel limited too much ... by the relationship.

All ... becomes obvious.

We remain into the relationship ... but ... can't do anything... to stop the emotional balance ... of contradictory thoughts.

The relationship ... continues.

But ... we understand it is not a story about love ... but only about the need of having a stable life partner.

... like everyone else.

I know it is stupid ... but unfortunately ... just the real truth in many, many relationships.


The only thing is that many ... can't accept it ... as a real fact.

Preferring .... to live ... in lie.

In illusion.


The illusion of being ... into a relationship with someone ... which might make us happy ... but actually that never happens.

And you know why?!


Cause ... we can't be into a beautiful relationship ... having the representation of an amazing love story ... and meanwhile connect to many other souls.



It simply ... doesn't work that way.

But ...we don't want to pay the price ... for a real relationship.

Cause ... we love too much .... the freedom.



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